

Gallerists in time of Covid-19

The impact of Covid-19 on galleries is like nothing in living memory. Many have had to shut for weeks, furlough staff, and postpone most of their projects. At the same time, the pandemic has forced galleries to rethink their operations and develop new initiatives.

New gallery collaborations during the crisis

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Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. The challenges brought by the pandemic have fostered new forms of collaboration. Rapidly implemented, and engaging gallerists at different levels of the market, they are often specific to cities at a moment when supporting local scenes has become an essential matter.

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Gallerists in time of Covid-19(疫情时期的画廊主)

巴塞尔艺术全球总监Marc Spiegler邀请了四位画廊主讲述对疫情采取的措施,以及探讨疫情过后对画廊的展望。

New gallery collaborations during the crisis (危机时期下画廊的新型合作方式)


观看更多视频,请关注Art Basel Youtube频道>>

*All contents belong to Art Basel[:hk]

Gallerists in time of Covid-19(疫情時期的畫廊主)

巴塞爾藝術全球總監Marc Spiegler邀請了四位畫廊主講述對疫情採取的措施,以及探討疫情過後對畫廊的展望。

New gallery collaborations during the crisis (危機時期下畫廊的新型合作方式)


觀看更多視頻,請關注Art Basel Youtube頻道>>

*上述內容轉自Art Basel Youtube



